

The battle system in Spellborne is a critical component of gameplay, combining strategy, type matchups, and move selections.

It's a turn-based system where players command their monsters to fight against wild monsters or other Trainers' monsters.

Players can capture new monsters using this game mechanic, as well as improve their monsters by helping them gain experience from battling.

Wild Battles

Players can encounter wild monsters in grass/dirt/water. These monsters are usually visible to the player while walking (except for in water) and allow the player to successfully try and maneuver around the monster if they don’t want the wild battle to be triggered.

When standing near the wild monster, a battle will automatically get triggered where the player has to battle against this specific wild monster. Players can either choose to defeat the wild monster in which case their monster gains more experience, or choose to capture the wild monster in which case they need to have a crystal item.

Players can try to run away from these battles.


Trainer Battles

Players can even battle against NPCs and players. In these battles, usually the player is required to use their squad of monsters against the squad of monsters of the enemy.

Player cannot run away from this type of battle.
